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If you’d like to use your business and leadership skills to do some good in the world, ecopreneurship could be the right career move for you. As an ecopreneur, you’ll pursue a sustainable business idea that betters the world we live in, rather than starting a business solely for your own financial gain.
Below, we share 11 tips and resources for beginner ecopreneurs — helping them get sustainable businesses up and running for the first time. Now let’s pe in and get one step closer to making a positive difference in the world.
Choose an Environmentally-Friendly Business Idea
Want to save the planet? Start by pursuing an environmentally-friendly business idea.
First, find out what makes a successful ecopreneur.
Next, explore 39 green business ideas, such as garden planning, environmental grant writing, eco-travel planning, and green remodeling.
For great ideas and tips, check out Healing Moon Farm & Ranch’s informative vlog.
Lastly, learn from some other top environmentally-friendly, companies, including Patagonia, Lush, and Seventh Generation.
Plan Your Eco-Friendly Business
Great businesses aren’t built overnight, but these resources will help you to get one step closer to pursuing your entrepreneurial goals.
Write your business plan.
Determine whether to create an LLC, corporation, or non-profit organization.
Choose a location for your new business.
Practice What You Preach
Prove your commitment to the environment by greenifying your new eco-friendly business.
Greenify your new business. Commit to using sustainable packaging and renewable resources.
Make sure your supply chain is sustainable.
Use environmentally-friendly marketing ideas to promote your sustainable business.
Apply to become a Certified Green Business.
Ecopreneurship is both rewarding and important, especially as the state of the environment worsens by the day. By using your business skills and passion for sustainability to launch an eco-friendly company, you’ll help to reverse some of the damage that’s been done — and make the world a healthier, safer, and happier place for all.
For top quality artisanal soaps, farm fresh produce, and gifts, connect with Healing Moon Farm & Ranch.